Read excerpts from some of my articles exploring these themes.
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
“The Vampire, the Queer, and the Girl: Reflections on the Politics and Ethics of Immortality.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 44.1 (2018): 3-24. MONSTERS
“Masculinity and Melancholia at the Virtual End: Leaving the World (of Warcraft).” differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 28.3 (2017): 44-66. FEMINISM
“Imperial Marvels: Race and the Colonial Imagination in the Fairy Tales of Madame D’Aulnoy.” Narrative Culture 3.2 (2017): 141-179.
“Snow White and the Trickster: Race and Genre in Helen Oyeyemi’s Boy, Snow, Bird.” Western Folklore 75.3/4 (2016): 371-396. FAIRY TALES
“The Political Lives of Avatars: Play and Democracy in Virtual Worlds.” Western Folklore 69.3/4 (2010): 369-394.
“Erotic Infidelities: Angela Carter’s Wolf Trilogy.” Marvels and Tales 22.1 (2008): 77-94.
“This Text Which Is Not One: Dialectics of Self and Culture in Exploratory AutoEthnography.” Journal of Folklore Research 39.2/3 (2002): 243-259.
“Serial Logic: Folklore and Difference in the Age of Feel-Good Multiculturalism.” Journal of American Folklore 113.447 (2000): 70-82.
“On the Rhetorical Use of Legend: U.C. Berkeley Campus Lore as a Strategy for Coded Protest.” Contemporary Legend 1 [new series] (1998): 1-20.
Winner, David Buchan Student Essay Prize
“Structure, Society, and Symbolism: Toward a Holistic Interpretation of Fairy Tales.” Western Folklore 55 (Spring, 1996): 233-244.
Articles, Book Chapters, and Encyclopedia Entries
“Monstrous Longings in the Age of Insurrection: A Twilight Postmortem.” In Möbius Media: Popular Culture, Folklore, and the Folkloresque, ed. Michael Dylan Foster and Jeffrey A. Tolbert. Logan: Utah State University Press. 2024 MONSTERS
“Power” (“Helen Oyeyemi’s Fairy Tale Novels and the Archaeology of a Genre”). In A Cultural History of the Fairy Tale, Volume 6 (The Modern Age), ed. Andrew Teverson. London: Bloomsbury, 2021. FAIRY TALES
“Fantasies of Femininity Redressed: Angela Carter’s Authorial Self-Fashioning.” In Fashion and Authorship: Literary Production and Cultural Style from the Eighteenth- to the Twenty-First Century, ed. Gerald Egan. New York: Palgrave, 2019. FEMINISM
“Of Genres and Geopolitics: The European Fairy Tale and the Global Novel.” In The Fairy Tale World, ed. Andrew Teverson. New York: Routledge, 2019. FAIRY TALES
“When Sheherazade Meets Snow White: The Politics of Frame Play in Bill Willingham’s 1001 Nights of Snowfall.” In Terra Ridens, Terra Narrans, ed. Regina Bendix and Dorothy Noyes. Verlag für Orientkunde, 2018.
“Half-Cup Rage.” Ethnologia Europaea 44.2 (2015): 57-60. PERSONAL NARRATIVES
“A Desire for Death: The Grimms’ Sleeping Beauty in The Bloody Chamber.” In Transgressive Tales: Queering the Grimms, ed. Kay Turner and Pauline Greenhill. Wayne State University Press, 2012. MONSTERS
“Vox Populi: Proverbs and Political Parody.” In The Proverbial Pied Piper: A Festschrift Volume of Essays for Wolfgang Mieder on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Peter Lang, 2009.
“Girl: Stories on the Way to Feminism.” In Narrative Compass: Women’s Scholarly Journeys, ed. by Roberta S. Trites and Betsy Hearne. University of Illinois Press, 2009. 44-60. PERSONAL NARRATIVES
“Folklore” and “Men.” Solicited entries for Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. 2007.
“Globalization.” Solicited entry for Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore. 2005.
“Folklore and Theories of Globalization.” Folklore Forum 30 (1999): 55-71; special issue on Folklore and Theory.
“It’s About Time: The Ten Proverbs Most Frequently Used in Newspapers and Their Relation to American Values.” Proverbium: Annual Yearbook of Proverb Scholarship 13 (1996): 135-159.